
Catalogue # Description   1 - 6 7 - 12 > 12
Dopamine D 1 - D 5 Receptor Western Reagents
WR-3512 Dopamine D 1 Receptor[9-21] $ 258.00 $ 236.00 $ 210.00
WR-3526 Dopamine D 2 Receptor[272-282] 258.00 236.00 210.00
WR-3520 Dopamine D 2S Receptor[239-246] 258.00 236.00 210.00
WR-3524 Dopamine D 2L Receptor[243-254] 258.00 236.00 210.00
WR-3532 Dopamine D 3 Receptor[2-10] 258.00 236.00 210.00
WR-3545 Dopamine D 4 Receptor[176-185] 258.00 236.00 210.00
WR-3552 Dopamine D 5 Receptor[23-35] 258.00 236.00 210.00
Leptin Western Reagents
WR-5351M Leptin clone 8F7-A10 maps to 131-145, IgG 258.00 236.00 210.00
WR-5361P Leptin PAb - Amino Terminal [1-24] 258.00 236.00 210.00
WR-5351P  Leptin PAb - Carboxyl Terminal [131-145] 258.00 236.00 210.00
Muscarinic M 1 - M 5 Receptor Western Reagents
WR-3701 Muscarinic M 1 Receptor [451-460] 258.00 236.00 210.00
WR-3721 Muscarinic M 2 Receptor [457-466] 258.00 236.00 210.00
WR-3741 Muscarinic M 3 Receptor [580-589] 258.00 236.00 210.00
WR-3761 Muscarinic M 4 Receptor [469-478] 258.00 236.00 210.00
WR-3781 Muscarinic M 5 Receptor [519-531] 258.00 236.00 210.00
Nicotinic Receptor Western Reagents
WR-5611 Nicotinic a 3 Receptor 258.00 236.00 210.00
WR-5616 Nicotinic a 4 Receptor 258.00 236.00 210.00
WR-5621 Nicotinic a 5 Receptor 258.00 236.00 210.00
WR-5631 Nicotinic a 7 Receptor 258.00 236.00 210.00
WR-5646 Nicotinic b 2 Receptor 258.00 236.00 210.00
WR-5651 Nicotinic b 3 Receptor 258.00 236.00 210.00
WR-5656 Nicotinic b 4 Receptor 258.00 236.00 210.00
NOS Western Reagents
WR-1686 hecNOS[2-12] 258.00 236.00 210.00
WR-1646 hiNOS[1137-1143] 258.00  236.00 210.00
WR-1656 hnNOS[1411-1433] 258.00 236.00 210.00
Opioid Receptor Western Reagents
WR-3922 Opioid Delta Receptor 258.00 236.00  210.00
WR-3942 Opioid Mu Receptor 258.00 236.00  210.00
WR-3964 Opioid Kappa Receptor  258.00 236.00  210.00
Protein Kinase C Western Reagents
WR-2416 Protein Kinase C a [664-672] 258.00 236.00 210.00
WR-2423 Protein Kinase C b 1 [661-671] 258.00 236.00  210.00
WR-2428 Protein Kinase C b 2 [660-673] 258.00 236.00  210.00
WR-2436 Protein Kinase C g [681-689] 258.00 236.00  210.00
WR-2443 Protein Kinase C d [662-673] 258.00 236.00  210.00
WR-2453 Protein Kinase C e [728-737] 258.00 236.00  210.00
WR-2463 Protein Kinase C z [480-492] 258.00 236.00  210.00
WR-2478 Protein Kinase C h [676-683] 258.00 236.00  210.00
WR-2483 Protein Kinase C q [700-706] 258.00 236.00 210.00
Thrombopoietin (TPO) Western Reagents
WR-4354M TPO clone 10A10-D1 maps to 244-277, IgG 258.00 236.00 210.00
WR-4354P TPO Polyclonal - Mid-region [244-277] 258.00 236.00 210.00
WR-4353P TPO Polyclonal - Carboxyl Terminal [299-332] 258.00 236.00 210.00

The rabbit polyclonal western immunoblotting reagents are supplied as:

  • The IgG fraction of the primary rabbit anti-peptide antiserum
  • Sufficient antibody for at least 20 lanes
  • 150 nmole of the corresponding blocking peptide (peptide immunogen or analogue)
  • Sufficient peptide to block 3 lanes
  • Western immunoblotting protocol that we have successfully used here at R&D Antibodies

The mouse monoclonal western immunoblotting reagents are supplied as:

  • Culture supernatant containing the mouse monoclonal antibody
  • Sufficient antibody for at least 20 lanes
  • 150 nmole of the corresponding peptide to which the monoclonal antibody binds
  • Sufficient peptide to block 3 lanes
  • Western immunoblotting protocol that we have successfully used here at R&D Ab

Components not included but which are recommended include:

  • Normal Goat Serum for blocking nonspecific binding
  • Affinity purified HRP-goat anti-rabbit or anti-mouse IgG second antibody
  • Buffers (such as TBS with Tween-20)
  • Color developing reagents

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